Saturday, October 5, 2024

Tag: Manager Selection

Using ESG data without big picture thinking generates patchy results |...

| By Elena Johansson Investors need to put ESG data in context of broader investment principles and see the bigger picture, an expert at the...

Zurich on crossing the environmental metrics frontier

| By Elena Johansson The industry is still on a “collective journey” regarding evolving data and metrics, an expert at Zurich Insurance Group who is...

Asset owners’ duties involve rectifying inconsistencies in impact mandates

| By Elena Johansson As the law on impact investing evolves, so are the related duties of asset owners to pursue impact investing and ensure...

Nordea Life & Pension transition plan factors in real economy impact

| By Elena Johansson The insurance group seeks to reduce emissions in the real economy as part of its responsible investment policies published in March,...