Saturday, October 5, 2024


NGFS: Enhancing market transparency in green and transition finance

| NGFS publishes a report on enhancing market transparency in green and transition finance The NGFS released the report “Enhancing Market Transparency in Green and Transition...

‘NGFS Glasgow Declaration’ by Central Banks and Supervisors

The NGFS publishes the “NGFS Glasgow Declaration” and continues to foster climate action by central banks and supervisors Today, the NGFS released the “NGFS Glasgow...

The Search for a Global Baseline in Sustainability Reporting

International Standard Setters, Regulators and Jurisdictions are working towards finding a global baseline of standards for sustainability reporting as a global framework. The IFRS...

NGFS Promotes Environmental Risk Analysis in Financial Industry

INSIGHT by NGFS There is a growing consensus among members of the Central Banks and Supervisors’ Network for Greening the Financial System (NGFS) that climate-related...

NGFS Publishes Its 2020-2022 Work Program and Announces Changes in the...

Over the next two years, the NGFS plans to continue its work on supervision, climate scenario analysis and scaling up green finance. The NGFS...