Green Recovery & Circular Economy | NN Investment Partners | Webinar

© NN Investment Partners

Join us on 22 September at 15:00 CET for the last in the series of NN Investment Partners’ Responsible Investing Summer Course to hear Fenna Blomsma (professor at the University of Hamburg) discuss:

Green recovery & circular economy

In this session, Fenna will use case examples to explore questions such as: “Where can sources of value creation and capture be found in a circular economy?”, “What business models suit a circular economy?” and “How can I align interests within the value chain?”.

You can register today to join the discussions live or watch them later at your own convenience. Either way, you will be eligible to receive one CFA-approved Continuing Education Credit for each event you attend up to the end of the course on 22 September.

| Attendance is by qualified introduction only for investment professionals. To reserve your place, stay informed on future events, and to receive related publications and content, please register now.