How can the U.S. reach Net Zero?

US net zero
© Casey Horner

Net-Zero America and the Princeton University’s Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment published a report in November 2021

Mission Net-Zero America: The nation-building path to a prosperous, net-zero emissions economy

“With more and more countries pledging net-zero emissions by mid-century, attention must now turn to the challenge of delivering on these pledges. The scale and pace of the needed energy and industrial infrastructure transformation are immense and face significant risks, as we illustrate for the U.S. Overcoming these will require a sustained combination of government leadership, meticulous planning, and adroit execution while retaining the trust of communities and workers. We propose a key new role for the federal government toward these ends.” Net-Zero America

The Net-Zero America Study provides information on various pathways to work towards reaching the net zero goal by 2050 and also lists four main challenges and risks:

(1) Failure to deploy physical assets and infrastructure at the unprecedented pace required.
(2) Failure to mobilize the capital needed for the transition.
(3) Failure due to public opposition to large-scale construction impacts and changing landscapes.
(4) Failure to mitigate disruptions to the workforce of incumbent fossil fuel industries and to mobilize the workforce needed for the net-zero transition.

Please refer to the above report with more information how these challenges can be met.


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