Thursday, December 5, 2024

Tag: frameworks

Myths About the EU | #4: An Article 9 Product is...

INSIGHT SERIES by Roland Kölsch, Quality Assurance Company for Sustainable investments (QNG), Germany | New, exciting topics, which become increasingly complex in the course of a development,...

The EU-Taxonomy as The Next Step in the Evolution of Corporate...

INSIGHT by Kerstin Lopatta, a full professor at the School of Business, Economics and Social Science at the University of Hamburg.      | The EU-Taxonomy, a light...

Aviva Investors SDG Case Study | PRI

INSIGHT by AVIVA Investors | This was originally featured as part of the PRI’s SDG outcomes work. | Why we use the SDGs As long-term investors in real...

How Metrics Can Operationalize Europe’s Heightened Emissions Ambitions | Janine Guillot...

INSIGHT by Janine Guillot | CEO, The SASB Foundation | Sustainability Accounting Standards Board | | With wildfires burning in California and record temperatures seen this...

Competing Standards, Private Retirement Systems and Sustainability | PRI

INSIGHT by Nikolaj Pedersen, senior researcher in PRI’s sustainable markets department | Many jurisdictions currently work on ESG-related standards aiming at leadership in the field. What...

Sustainable Development Goals – Solution or Part of the Problem? |...

INSIGHT by Fabian Scholda, researcher at the Competence Center for Nonprofit Organizations and Social Entrepreneurship at WU (Vienna University of Economics and Business) | Anyone working...

Why Reporting Can Be a Force for Social Good – And...

INSIGHT by Robert E. Moritz | Global Chairman, PwC This article is part of the Sustainable Development Impact Summit and was first published on the World...

Sustainability Metrics Debate Must Include Multi-Stakeholder Input | GRI

INSIGHT by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) GRI responds to white paper from World Economic Forum  | GRI has cautiously welcomed a report from the World...

ESAs Launch Survey On Environmental and/or Social Financial Product Templates

The European Supervisory Authorities (EBA, EIOPA and ESMA - ESAs) published a survey seeking public feedback on presentational aspects of product templates, pursuant to Article 8(3), Article...

The European Banking Authority Seeks Input from Institutions on Their ESG...

INSIGHT by The European Banking Authority The European Banking Authority (EBA) shortly published an online survey to receive input from credit institutions on their practices...