Sunday, December 22, 2024

Tag: recovery

Lessons from the Great Recession for a COVID-19 Green Recovery |...

INSIGHT by Joel Jaeger, Research Associate, World Resources Institute. This article was first published by the World Economic Forum. 〉The COVID-19 pandemic has ushered in...

Investors Are Not Always Sold As Much Impact As They Want...

INTERVIEW with Daniela Barone Soares, CEO at Snowball IM. For further expert opinions please use the question-level hyperlink. | While experts discuss the increase of...

This Is How COVID-19 is Affecting Europe’s SMEs | McKinsey &...

INSIGHT by Karim Tadjeddine, Partner, McKinsey Ruchi Sharma, Associate Partner, McKinsey Zdravko Mladenov, Partner, McKinsey Jonathan Dimson, Senior Partner, McKinsey This article was first published by the World Economic Forum in collaboration with...

Emerging Markets Sovereign Debt and ESG: Where Investors Can Shape Today...

 INSIGHT by Ashok Parameswaran, Founder and President, Emerging Markets Investors Alliance | Emerging Markets present unique challenges to ESG investors.   The environment, social and governance lens...

Solar: The New King of Electricity? World Energy Outlook 2020 Shows...

INSIGHT by International Energy Agency Amid deep disruption and uncertainty caused by the pandemic, a surge in well-designed energy policies is needed to put the...

New WorldGBC Report Outlines How The Asia Pacific Can Build Back...

INSIGHT by GRESB The World Green Building Council launches new report outlining the climate and business benefits of tackling embodied carbon in Asia Pacific and...

Helge Wulsdorf | Bank for Church and Caritas | ESG Cannot...

INTERVIEW with Helge Wulsdorf, Head of Sustainable Investments at the Bank for Church and Caritas eG (BKC). For further expert opinions please use the question-level...

Green Recovery & Circular Economy | NN Investment Partners | Webinar

Join us on 22 September at 15:00 CET for the last in the series of NN Investment Partners’ Responsible Investing Summer Course to hear...

INVITATION | Five Considerations For a Sustainable Recovery | OMFIF |...

Virtual panel | London, Europe Wed 16 Sep 2020  16:00-17:15 (London) 11:00-12:15 (New York) | The Covid-19 crisis requires a global coordinated response. William White, former chairman of the...

Risks Can Be Minimised by Adopting Comprehensive Recovery Strategies | Vasileios...

brief INTERVIEW with Vasileios Rizos, Research Fellow and Head of Sustainable Resources and Circular Economy at CEPS (Centre for European Policy Studies). For further expert...