Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Tag: frameworks

Business reporting on the SDGs

| Quality data is crucial to accelerate progress on the SDGs. New resource from GRI and UN Global Compact to spearhead global momentum on SDGs...

Finding common ground for ESG raters and rankers

| Demystifying ESG raters and rankers. ESG benchmarking has to be based on comparable sustainability data that reflects impacts as well as risks What is the...

IOSCO welcomes engagement on proposed standards issued by ISSB

The International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) welcomed the strong engagement from industry, policymakers, civil society and other stakeholders on proposed standards for corporate...

GRI opens office in Brussels and deepens engagement in Europe

| Brussels location opens at crucial stage for corporate sustainability in the EU The world’s leading sustainability reporting standards setter has increased it’s presence at the...

Eurosif: Implementation of the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR)

Eurosif today released a report to address a number of challenges for financial markets participants, lawmakers, regulators and supervisory authorities in connection with the...

Sustainable production on land and sea

| Launch of GRI Agriculture, Aquaculture and Fishing Sector Standard Three sectors that produce the food and materials that are fundamental to humanity’s survival are being...

Eurosif on the ESG Ratings Market

|Eurosif informed about the key points of the response to the European Commission, responding to the public consultation on the functioning of the ESG...

Value Reporting Foundation: Integrated Reporting Framework

| Integrated Reporting – articulating a future path As we are progressing with the Value Reporting Foundation (VRF) consolidation process, and after the IFRS Foundation...

Creating a baseline of investor-focused sustainability disclosure

| Leading global investors commend direction of IFRS Sustainability Exposure Drafts Investors representing over US$53 trillion in assets, hailing from Asia, the European Union, North...

International Day of Biological Diversity | Collaboration is key to meet...

INSIGHT by Harold Pauwels, Director of Standards, Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) | Mitigating biodiversity loss demands corporate accountability As 22 May marks the International Day of...