Saturday, December 21, 2024

Tag: infrastructure

Only 10 percent of Investors active in EM | New Infrastructure...

"Reducing carbon emissions and aiming for carbon neutrality have been identified as important milestones. Fifty years ago, today’s developed countries contributed two thirds of...

Ticking the Box is Not Enough | François Bergère | Long-Term...

INTERVIEW with François Bergère, Long-Term Infrastructure Investors Association (LTIIA), Executive Director. For further expert opinions please use the question-level hyperlink. | Do you expect the pandemic to...

The 2020 GRESB Benchmark Expands its Coverage to US $5.3 Trillion...

INSIGHT by GRESB We’re excited to announce that participation in the GRESB Assessments has grown by 18% this year to cover the ESG performance of...

ESG Handbook for Institutional Investors | The Long-Term Infrastructure Investors Association...

brief INSIGHT by LTIIA In just a few years, ESG investing, also known as sustainable or responsible investing, has moved from a slightly idealistic niche...