Tag: Decarbonisation
40% of leading food firms, including Kroger, Tesco, Nestle and Unilever,...
| Food giants muscle in on booming alternative protein market, reveals $13 trillion investor coalition engaging with 25 food manufacturers and retailers
〉FAIRR’s engagement on sustainable proteins...
Deutsche Bank’s New Fossil Fuel Policies: Much Needed Movement, Still a...
INSIGHT by Urgewald
Germany’s largest private sector bank has published fossil fuel policies to reduce its financial dealings with coal, oil and gas companies.
〉Bank intends to reduce financing...
In Case You Missed It | 2020 Green Bond Pioneer Award...
| Emerging market pioneers & leadership over the 2010-2020-decade featured in the 5th Annual Green Bond Pioneer Awards (GBPA) announced by the Climate Bonds...
Meat Companies May Face $11bn Carbon Tax Bill | FAIRR
INSIGHT by FAIRR Initiative
$20 trillion network highlights investment risk if greenhouse gas taxes extended to animal agriculture; and factors tax into first-of-its-kind financial modelling
Investor Support Tool | AI and Satellites to Monitor GHG Emissions...
INSIGHT by Climate TRACE | Carbon Tracker
| Nine organizations from around the world and former U.S. Vice President Al Gore announced a cutting-edge initiative that...
Responsible Investors Live Conference in Paris | 7 October 2020
Responsible Investors Live will gather European asset owners to discuss and develop their understanding of suitable and sustainable ESG policies. Alongside other...
There is a ~20% Chance That one of the Next Five...
INSIGHT by the World Meteorological Organization
| The annual mean global temperature is likely to be at least 1° Celsius above pre-industrial levels (1850-1900) in...
brief Q&A | Mitigation and Adaptation are Key | Michael Staudinger |...
brief Q&A with Michael Staudinger, Executive Director at ZAMG
| Taking into account the current pace of the low-carbon transition, what kind of climate-related threats and...
Global Coordination is Needed | Matti Leppälä | CEO/Secretary General |...
INTERVIEW with Matti Leppälä, Secretary General/CEO, PensionsEurope. For further expert opinions please use the question-level hyperlink.
| Do you expect the pandemic to have a tailwind...